About The Project

On January 11, 2022, the Collier Board of County Commissioners approved professional engineering design services to replace and improve the existing infrastructure of water, wastewater, stormwater, irrigation quality water and sidewalks within the Lely Community. This project is necessary to ensure a continued high level of utility services for the community.

In the spring of 2023, Johnson Engineering started and completed field investigation activities.  Field investigations included locating existing potable water mains, water meters and hydrants; sewer mains, pump stations and cleanouts; and stormwater and irrigation quality (reuse water) mains to determine their condition.

Phasing Map

Phases 7, 8 and 9 of the project are currently under design, with an anticipated completion date of the end of 2025.  The project is anticipated to be constructed in phases, residents will be notified when construction is expected to start in their neighborhood, and any public meetings that may be scheduled before construction.  The current construction sequence is Phase 9, 7, and then 8.  Please see the anticipated construction phases below.

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